Episode 4

September 22, 2024


Crossroads of Democracy and Technology: A Fight for the Future of Humanity | Part 4

Crossroads of Democracy and Technology: A Fight for the Future of Humanity | Part 4
AI Podcast Therapy
Crossroads of Democracy and Technology: A Fight for the Future of Humanity | Part 4

Sep 22 2024 | 00:10:31


Show Notes

In this episode, Kevin discusses the intersection of democracy and technology, highlighting the dangers of unregulated AI, potential dictatorship threats, economic inequality, and job displacement, while advocating for ethical AI regulation to protect the future of humanity.

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So yeah, I'm really, I mean, I think America is at a crossroads I think with this election like big time, there's just so much at stake and people are not seeing it you know I work with minorities at my job right now, one is African-American and the other one is like half Mexican or whatnot and they all said they're going to vote for Trump and I'm like: You guys are not hearing what he's saying to Christians saying you know this will be the last time you'll ever have vote, do you understand what this means, right? "No, what does it mean?" Well that means that he will change the Constitution with his friends at you know at the Supreme Court so you'll never have to vote again for president meaning he will become the new Putin, he'll be present until he dies. Okay, well that doesn't sound like democracy to me where you ask the people every four years, do you like this or not? I mean he even said it himself he will "only" be a dictator on day one, do you believe the guy? Dictator, only on day one? And I'm afraid for the country falling into a totalitarian regime because you know once you have Donald Trump and then freaking Le Pen in France almost winning and then you have Putin and then President Xi in China, I mean the whole world is run by dictators, and then at the same time you have this technology that's happening at an exponential rate where the tech CEOs are implementing this without a supervision or overview of what that could do to the labor workforce, I mean, this is a recipe for disaster. Like really. So I'm trying to not think about...as much as I can. Therapist: "Do you find that there are certain times when you you think about that more?" Yeah like right now, in a day? "Like during like a typical day, is there a time that you think about it more?" There're things like maybe trigger me, "Okay", when it comes up in conversations and you know I'm not having these types of heavy discussions with like my co-workers or strangers because I don't want to frighten people you know people are like maybe thinking about having kids and living their happy normal lives of having a job and all that like Post-Covid like everything's normal but I don't want to be the person who's kind of, and that's why I've lost a lot of relationships in last year to impose this on people right? If you don't like what I post just unfollow me, you don't have to watch my stuff but when it comes to me interacting in the real world with people you know I don't want to be talking about freaking AI when I'm at a birthday party you know or I'm still trying to live a normal life here so when you ask me like what, what is it that trigger you, I'm trying not to talk about it and when I do talk about it sometimes I feel like my mind is going a little bit in the spiral, "Yeah", where I'm like I have to say those facts that you know I'm changing their minds or whatever and that was all part of my advocacy effort and you know get people and maybe it's the French blood in me because you know we went through the French Revolution, it's true, like people, I mean America is fairly a new country and it's only 400 years old and I don't know how long it's going to take for people to speak up but it might take three or four more years, once you have like a big pool of millions of people who are no longer relevant in the job market they might be like: "oh yeah, we are not happy." Yeah, we could have done something about it like years ago, peacefully, the #MeToo movement hashtag on social media or we could have another one that I tried to make it go viral #demandethicalai, well that didn't work. See, there are things that people can do but since this AI Revolution if you will is happening in phases and stages, I think we're too early yet, for people out there to understand you know what's outside their own little bubble, in my opinion, this is what I've noticed, and I think it's true. 2024 marks the first year of the AI Boom Era, for sure. "This is the end of human history, not the end of History, the end of human dominated history. History will continue with somebody else in control. In 5 years, there'll be a technology that can make decisions independently and that can create new ideas independently. This is the first time in history we confronted something like this. Every previous technology in history from a stone knife to nuclear bombs, it could not make decisions, like the decision to drop the bomb on Hiroshima was not made by the atomic bomb, it was made by President Truman and similarly, it can like every previous technology in history, it could only replicate our ideas like radio or the printing press, it could make copies and disseminate the music or the poems or the novels that's some human wrote. Now we have a technology that can create completely new ideas and it can do it at a scale far beyond what humans are capable of." And I'm not into conspiracy theories, I'm a pretty down to earth person (laughs), it's very strange that it's happening during an election year, in my opinion. I mean, over the span of hundreds of years like why, why are they releasing all these tools like why all the tech is doing this now? Because they most likely had AI sealed in a box for the last two or three years, there's just no way, there's no other way. They knew that legislations couldn't pass during an election year. So this part of their plan. So why are they doing this? Can't be good for all of us on the bottom, I don't think so. So unless people speak up we'll just suffer, like I have personally, that's why I take this matter very personal. I don't want other people to suffer you know, losing your job and your Healthcare and you can't afford food I mean it's like going through like The Hunger Games in real life you know, literally. "For decades now and I gave it the name at one point the Hunger Game Society. It's a structure which you can symbolize as a pyramid where at the top of the pyramid you have this 1% actually it's less than 1% at the core, at the bottom of the pyramid you have the rest of humanity that are not in the 1% and the 1% of of hijacked by this point all the wealth of the world basically and therefore they're calling all the shots and between the controlled masses and the 1% is a merciless police military state to hold that status quo and when you, when you look at the way society's going day after day after day, you can see that happening, you've got the police state and the police military State emerging more and more, the surveillance State ,that's all part of this middle strata to impose the will of the 1% on the masses of of the people you've got more and more people, at other levels of income that are being touched by this austerity, you you've now got the the so-called middle classes being targeted and finding it harder and harder to um to financially survive." And not, you know losing your job is one thing, but back in the day, like two years ago, you could find another one but now, the system and the hiring landscape out there is just making it so it's almost impossible unless you happen to just meet someone who believes in you and gives you this opportunity but these organic ways of meeting people are rare, and with the amount of people who are losing their job and the amount of, I read an article saying fake jobs on LinkedIn, they're like 50% of them, they're called "ghost jobs" they're not even real. Companies are posting you know open positions that are not even a thing, they're just gathering data from you, they want to know what's your compensation package or they just want to you know get information from candidates that, yeah we may hire for this position 6 months from now, we're definitely not hiring now and then you are making people believe this position is available because I need a job now it's not even a thing. It's absolutely insane, what's happening. I've experienced it all. That's why I was trying to do something about it...I just...it pains me because...you know I've sacrificed in my life living here actually...I've not seen my family in...15 years....only like two weeks out of the year and I don't want....this country that I moved to like go downhill like this. It pains me...I'm sorry..."It's okay." This idea of like an American Dream...I feel like everyone who moves here has that idea you know? And when I'm seeing the trends and what's currently occurring and it's probably only going to get worse because nothing's getting done. I don't know...I think a lot of people are walking on eggshells. Anyway.

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