Episode 1

September 15, 2024


Navigating the AI Revolution: A Personal Journey of Survival and Advocacy | Part 1

Navigating the AI Revolution: A Personal Journey of Survival and Advocacy | Part 1
AI Podcast Therapy
Navigating the AI Revolution: A Personal Journey of Survival and Advocacy | Part 1

Sep 15 2024 | 00:13:38


Show Notes

Kevin reflects on the personal and professional upheavals caused by AI advancements and the silent struggles many endure.

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Episode Transcript

(Kevin Bihan-Poudec, host, laughing) I'm nervously laughing, because I need to figure out like if I you know make this decision, this decision, this could occur and if I’m in this situation but that other thing occurs, how would I get out of that, this plausible situation? I'm like, I already have to deal with the BS I’m dealing with now. I can’t think about five other BS scenarios that I have to (deal with.) It’s exhausting. So when my mom was like: "Kevin, I don’t know how you do it all." I was like: I was thrown into this situation I guess for a reason I don’t know what it is but it has to be because it doesn't make any sense to me what I have to do (continues laughing.) I'm nervously laughing about it. Therapist: "I think sometimes that’s all we can do, you know" (giggling.) I know! I’m like, it's so ridiculous what I have to go through, like, literally? I don’t know how other people, because, who are going through this same boat as I am; losing your job, not being able to find another one, especially in the tech sector, like, what do they do? I want to hear their stories. I’m a single guy. Thank GOD I don’t have a child or like a mortgage or putting, you know, having the responsibility of putting kids through college and stuff like this but, this has to be a scenario out there, according to statistics, right? There are thousands of us every week that get let go, for the last year, that's a fact. These are numbers that are announced in the news, in articles saying, you know, thousands of workers were fired or whatever. So I already know there’s some people struggling as much as I am, and sometimes when I’m in these situations, I'm like: "Oh, I guess I’m just part of the people who are suffering from this, part of this silent AI revolution." It's literally what it is (giggling) and it's just the beginning of it. So I was talking to my friend, his partner, yesterday, in San Diego, he's super smart and, he was just saying: "Oh well it's just going to plateau" and I'm like "plateau?" How can you talk about plateau when to me, there’s no signs of slowing down this thing? It’s only going to get worse, I mean, I posted an article on my nonprofit organization website which is just me, myself and I about... ...Having to deal with this situation. To me, it’s almost like I’m living a nightmare. Therapist: "You are in survival mode." Yeah but I’m not alone. And when I know I’m not alone, it makes me feel less lonely somehow but, yeah what I was getting at with my point was, I don’t know how long it's going to take for people to speak up, maybe three to four years? I don't know how long...because it is bound to happen. When you have a bigger portion of the population going through the same struggle pretty much at the same time about the same issue, it’s called: a movement, like, social movement. You can't deny this. That's what happened during the French Revolution. We killed, Louis the XIV (14th), because we were starved to death, right? He didn't take care of his own people, so we were all in the same boat, we were all at the bottom, when the 1%, whatever. It’s exactly the same scenario, again. History repeats itself, right? So here I am making a joke: "Yeah, whenever you guys are ready, let's do this!" but I guess it's just me, myself and I right now which I know it's not. But I've looked on YouTube, I told you this, I looked online, like people like, I want to hear people's stories, like, have they been interviewed about struggling to find a job in the tech sector? You can't find any of this information, it's almost to wonder, like, (giggling) is Mark Zuckerberg, like, or the Tech CEOs, like, filtering out this so people can't find out they are not alone in this situation, you see what I mean? It doesn't make sense to me. I can not be the only person who's talking about this. There's no way. So...where, where are the others? Because there definitely are, like, thousands of them. I don’t understand. I, I feel so lonely. I feel like I’m fighting this thing alone...(sighing) So I guess I just have to be patient. I hope this will happen because I’m planting seeds right now, you know, I’m not a prominent, like an important figure or someone famous or with a following or rich or whatever. I literally wrote a letter to Newsom Gavin yesterday (California's Governor), on Labor Day. That bill SB 1047 is on his desk ready for him to sign, in regards to putting boundaries on, the safety for AI. You know, kind of things like, oh well if the AI creates a model that outgrows itself and starts building, I don’t know, like q model....to weaponize, it could do that. So, what it's trying to do is, well, we need to have a "kill switch" button where the government can come in and say: "Hey, whatever you guys have been working on, it's a concern of national security kind of thing, like." We need, the government needs to have supervision on this, otherwise it's going to be, The Wild Wild West. I mean, this is not just a bill, and I think people don't understand, they're not getting it. Read my article, like, you'll understand, it's a big deal! We're talking about, California leading, putting boundaries on all these companies, you know, creating these models, to the rest of the world, the Silicon Valley, you know. So if California is not doing this? It literally sends the message to the world: "Well do whatever you want with your AI. And let's see, let's see, let's see what happens." Let's play with fire even more (nervously laughs.) Like it's almost upsetting, you know? It's like, "Oh yeah, we played with creating the atomic bomb, you know, let's see if we can create a technology that can eradicate the human species, let's get really close to it." Okay, well, we're two minutes away from Putin pressing that button for World War III to start. My family's back in Europe. Freaks me out. And if this were to occur, I mean the whole world is over, because then the US would go to war you know, China, Japan, etc. It's all over. So why are we doing this again with AI? Why have we played with fire to the point where we created a technology that could take over Us? It's ridiculous what we did, or what "they" (tech CEOs) did. And there's an ex-executive of Google (Mo Gawdat) who has a whole video on YouTube about this saying: "We Fu**ed up", he literally said these words. We released a technology into the world that we shouldn't have, and now it's getting out of control. News Anchor: "AI could manipulate or figure out a way to kill humans?" Mo Gawdat: "In 10 years' time, we'll be hiding from the machines. If you don't have kids, maybe wait a couple of years, just so that we have a bit of certainty. I really don't know how to say this any other way. It even makes me emotional. We Fu**ed up. We always said: Don't put them on the open internet until we know what we're putting out in the world. The government needs to act now, honestly, like we are late." And to me, it's absurd that, I have to think about this because of what I know and when I go out, you know, it's like normal life out there like people are just going on with their day, and going to the grocery store and having birthday parties, and I'm like: "Wow, you guys live in a bubble." Because you have no idea what's ahead, or maybe you do and you're okay with it. I'm not okay with it. So, I guess we'll find out. He (Governor Newsom Gain) has a few more weeks to sign this thing (SB 1047.) I just hope that the people, the politicians, like they are not just being part of this whole lobby thing where, I mean, the problem at the top is these people at the top just want to make more money, you know, they want to have an extra house, a Lake House and they're like in their 70s like they'll be dead in 20 years, they don't freaking care about the next generation or freaking humanity for the rest of eternity, like, they don't care. The tech CEOs, they know all this; they're just manipulating them like puppets. That's why they released AI in 2024 during an election year. There's no question, that's what happened. They know exactly what they're doing. And when you analyze the Terms & Conditions of OpenAI, which I tried to do in ChatGPT, telling me it's too long to even summarize it. The own AI can not summarize its own policy? I had to use another AI model, summarize it, to ask, you know all this proprietary data that you are feeding to the model, part of a company, who owns it? Who owns the Copyright? Could potentially OpenAI go after you as a business saying: "Well, you've been feeding into our model your data." They could change the rules saying: "Well, now we are going to go after you and sue you, because we want ownership of your company because we owe, I don't know, 50% of your knowledge, your data." And literally, there is a clause in there, in the 200-page thing that's written in gibberish, no one can understand, even though it's written in English, that says: "We reserve the rights[..] to change or [..]modify this policy at any time."[..] for any reason for whatever we want. Okay, well that's not a policy. They can, so if SB 1047 doesn't get signed, these types of companies can literally, and I told this to my mom via WhatsApp, they could literally go after all businesses in the future and own part of it. What is that going to do to the economy? It's going to be a legal s*** show. It would be chaos. But this is possible, and it's most likely what they're wanting to do you know, like charge $20 a month for all these users, and like, have them play with it and whatever and then they are like really hooked up, and they can't, not do without it, like Google, you know, or Maps on your phone and you're kind of required to pay this to have a job and survive. Your employer doesn't pay the $400/month in ChatGPT membership, you have to. It's obviously where we're headed. It's not going to be $20 forever. Whoever thinks this is, hello?! Wake up. They're not making money right now. They are losing trillions of dollars. So they're going to need their money back, and they know exactly how they're doing it. They make you codependent on that technology. Actually, made a joke on social media the other day, I was like: "Oh, I don't know how I used to live without ChatGPT, it's doing everything for me, like business plans, and actually, it's helping me with this job for TheraVR Inc. that I have because it's creating tables for me now, under a second. Would take me like all day to do it manually. So I'm leveraging it, I'm using it to my own benefit, right? But once it's getting to the next level, where you have no choice but to use that tool, to function, whether it is in society or through your work, you have to pay the price, no matter what it is. Maybe ChatGPT-5o is $49.99/month, in the next six months and they're going to sell you: "Oh, it can do all this now, you want it right? You can create a video, a movie of your own life. All you have to do is upload a photo when you were younger, we'll do it for you." Text with Sora. Plugin they're doing, text-to-video speech (AI generated conten.) "Okay, yeah I want it." And then, a year later: "Well now we've added these features, it's $99.99/month. I mean this is where we are headed. It's like with the freaking iPhone. The iPhone is $1,600 now. You're on a payment plan. You are on a payment plan for that thing that you can't afford. Same thing with ChatGPT. Frightening.

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