Episode 2

September 15, 2024


The AI Reckoning: Navigating the Political and Ethical Dilemmas of an Unstoppable Force | Part 2

The AI Reckoning: Navigating the Political and Ethical Dilemmas of an Unstoppable Force | Part 2
AI Podcast Therapy
The AI Reckoning: Navigating the Political and Ethical Dilemmas of an Unstoppable Force | Part 2

Sep 15 2024 | 00:15:47


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A dive into the political complexities surrounding AI, and the ethical battles we must face head-on.

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But what I'm realizing what's happening and what could occur and the politicians not making the right decisions right now because they, either they don't have the knowledge or I don't know who works for them or who's educating them on this issue. I mean, do they know? Do they actually know and they decide not to make the right decisions out of like, I don't know, are they trying to do bad in the world or are they just like evil or are they really trying to be good politicians? Or are they trying to do this for their own pockets? It's to wonder. Because if you're aware of what I'm telling you, you would sign that bill, 1047, because you understand that, literally the future of the human species lies within this bill. It puts guardrails on AI. Safe use of AI. Treasurer Joely Fisher (SAG-AFTRA, The Screen Actors Guild): "We spent all those 35 days, then got extensions and then had this incredible support, this 98% strike authorization and had these beautiful people who stood tall and in solidarity and went out on strike, and then we got back to the table and made extravagant, extraordinary gains in so many areas. Putting guardrails and boundaries on AI was so important to me, and I believe the language is there." This technology we created could become, we don't even know what it could become. The most important thing I've ever read in my life, so when I post about it, I get zero like or comment, I'm like, well I know what I'm saying, so it's fine. You don't have to engage with me. I know I'm planting seeds, and I know the work that I'm doing of educating people through my articles is to open that dialogue. People are not ready for it. They're not getting it. They are not getting it until they lose their job like I have, and they can't find another one. And then, oh my God, it hits home, now I'm almost homeless. Oh, yeah, maybe Kevin was saying 3 years ago, he was right, because now I'm in the hiring landscape and it's a f******** nightmare. Yeah, I told you this 3 years ago. You should have learned about AI to stay relevant, now you are not hireable. This is literally where all the data analysts in the U.S. are headed. So you know, it's in my duty to kind of be like, "hey, make sure you know while you still have a comfy job and you can pay your bills, bless you, and a roof over on top of your head, make sure you learn about AI. That's all I've been saying for nine months. Get ready. Because if you want a job in the next year or two, you better have the skills that those private companies are going to require you to do and to have. If you don't believe me, here's that article, a survey from Microsoft and LinkedIn saying "66% of leaders would not consider a candidate without AI knowledge, and that 71% would rather have someone who has AI knowledge of one year than any other knowledge for a period of 10 years." Well, that just tells you right away, whatever you've been doing for a decade is absolutely obsolete. People are not understanding this. They’re not. You see ads on TV or on your social media: "Learn about AI so you can still have a job at the end of the day and survive in society, so you can like pay for food and housing and shelter." No, they don't, and they obviously don't stay this on the news. It would be chaos in this country. They don't want to talk about it, and I get that. It's like in the movie "Don't Look Up" on Netflix, where Meryl Streep is playing the president when that comet is heading towards the Earth, and Leonardo Dicaprio, the scientist in the movie, says: "Oh, it's happening, yeah, we have the data. It's occuring at 99%, headed straight towards the Earth." and she's like, President: "Oh, how much of a big deal is this? How is it going to impact us?" Scientist: "Oh you know, mile-high tsunamis, etc." Could eradicate the whole entire species kind of thing. It's a metaphore to the AI. "What Dr. Mindy is trying to say there's a comet headed directly towards Earth, and according to NASA's computers, that object is going to hit the Pacific Ocean at 62 miles due west off the coast of Chile. Then what happens, a tidle wave? No. It will be far more catastrophic, there would be mile-high tsunamis fanning out all across the globe. If this comet makes impact, it will have the power of a billion Hiroshima bombs. There would be magnitude 10 or 11 earthquakes. I'm sorry I'm just trying to articulate the Science. I don't think you understand the gravity of the situation. I am trying to articulate the best I can. Madam President. This comet (aka AI) is what we call a "planet killer." That is correct. The president asks, "How certain is this?" Dr. Mindy says, "There's 100% certainty of impact," she goes on to say, "Please, don't say 100%." Other members of Congress: "Can we just call it a potentially significant event? Yeah, yes." And then she went on to say, in the movie, which I think Hollywood released it at the perfect timing for people to realize what it was about. "Well you can't just tell you know that everyone's gonna die." "But it isn't potentially going to happen, it is going to happen. Exactly...99.78% to be exact. Oh, great! So it's not 100%. Scientists never like to say 100%. Call it 70% and let's just move on. But it's not even close to 70%. You can not go around saying to people that there is 100% chance that they're going to die! You know, it's just nuts." It's literally the hard line in the movie. It's a joke, to what's happening now and in the movie, everyone knows this thing's happening at an exponential rate and headed towards the earth, about to like kill us all, and no one knows what to do, what decisions to be made, and next thing you know it's happening so fast, you can't actually realize it and at the end, everybody dies. We all die. Is this what we want this whole AI thing to grow to be? I'm asking you. (Governor Newsom Gavin) Therapist: "No." Wouldn't you feel powerless feeling this way? "Yeah, and I think.." So is that Elon's plan, like upload his thoughts into his microchip, go to Mars, like "Humanity 2.0" like? What's the plan here? Like can we have a conversation about this? Can we ask the guy who's behind it all, who's responsible for the future of 8 billion people on this planet, what his true intentions are? Host: "Because in the BOS connected world we were also discussing application of AI, GenAI, to production in order to boost productivity. Maybe a couple of thoughts on this one too." Elon Musk: "Well, the plus side of AI is that I think productivity will increase dramatically accross every field, whether it be manual labor to supply chain logistics. There's already a lot of movement to use chatbots, like sophisticated chatbots for customer service for example where they can answer quite complex questions already but I mean I think we really are on the edge of the biggest technology Revolution that has ever existed you know there is supposedly sort of a Chinese curse: "May you live in an interesting times" Well, we live in the most interesting of times, the most interesting and for a while I was a little bit depressed frankly because I was like, well will we be, will they take over, will we be useless? But the way that I reconciled myself to this question was, would I rather be alive to see AI apocalypse or not? I guess I'd like to see it (then laughs.)" I would love to put the guy inside of a room somewhere for interrogation, have a medical staff actually ask him questions, you know, don't feed him much for 3 days, not too much water either, make him feel very small. No longer the most powerful person on Earth. So what is your plan Mr. Musk? What's the plan? Because we would like to know, you are playing with our lives and the fate of humanity kind of thing. I think we are owed to ask the man in charge at least these questions but no one on this planet, and I contacted Interpol, months ago, saying this was an "organized crime." Literally, like the header, you know how you have the dropdown, you have to say why you are contacting Interpol, I said "organized crime." It was my choice. Because that's literally what these tech CEOs are doing. Analysis: Given the scope of topics discussed in my ChatGPT session on the evening of March 18th, 2024-including an in-depth behavioral analysis of Elon Musk's ambitions to influence humanity through artificial intelligence technologies, exploring ways the United States government could harness Al to address pressing socio-economic challenges, and devising a strategy for global consensus on Al management through the creation of a Global Al Ethics Charter-it's clear that the deletion of this conversation by OpenAl the next morning, March 19th, 2024, raises significant ethical concerns. This action, taken by OpenAl, a company under the leadership of Sam Altman and co-founded by Elon Musk, suggests a worrying inclination towards unethical conduct in the face of critical discussions on Al's role in society. Above Analysis censored under my OpenAI account. Conclusion: It is reasonable to speculate that the objectives of the CEOs, particularly concerning the concept of a "Global Al Ethics Charter," might have influenced the Al to automatically filter discussions on such subjects. This could account for why my submissions, despite varying in context and content across two instances, were flagged by OpenAls systems. It's likely that these decisions were made by an automated process rather than human review, suggesting that specific keywords or themes triggered the Al's content moderation algorithms. Above Conclusion censored under my OpenAI account. Why do you think Mark Zuckerberg is building himself a bunker for $260 million somewhere to prepare himself for Doomsday, to keep his family safe? Well, good for you. What about all of us? Nobody releases new updated AI model kind of thing for like the safeguard of Human Kind kind of thing, and then, let's go over, you know, how we need to come up with laws and bills to say that in the event this occurs, you know we put a stop to it or whatever, but, because there are so many moving parts, we are not able as a common species to be able to do that. Because you have politicians, and you have tech CEOs, and you have The People and...You can't. Which is ridiculous that we can't come to a common understanding of making a decision for everyone. There was no worldwide referendum that asked everyone on this planet that asked you know, are you okay with how you want this technology to go? Are you okay this may potentially take over humankind forever? Yes or No? Literally, we never asked anyone. They are just doing it. We are all on for the ride. This can't be happening. And I can't live my life normal anymore. Normally. I feel like I'm living a nightmare. So obviously the suicide rate is going to go up. It's almost like, I'm trying, personally, in my own life, to not become John Connor in The Terminator movies, 20 years from now, like for real. It's ridiculous to think this but this is where we could be ahead. I don't want my life to end up looking like a science fiction movie that I watched as a child. It can't be happening. I don't want that. I just, you know, have whatever I thought the rest of my life was going to be, what I expected, and now this whole thing is thrown at my face, and not just me, everyone, but apparently no one's understanding or realizing and I'm like, oh okay so yeah, the tech CEOs are having meetings on a "kill switch" on humanoids now? It's happening in real life? Yeah, yeah, it's not like a Reddit you know. These conversations are actually happening, damn it. So if they are happening, it's because there is a risk right? A potential risk because these people are taking time off their busy schedules to talk about a kill switch button on robots. "So, I mean, I think that, it feels like because your circle might not be..." Well everyone is overwhelmed about what I'm saying, like, if I were to listen to myself... "Right, but there is a law that you know, there's a bill that's waiting to be signed. That means that there is an awareness" Sure. "with legislators. I mean if tech CEOs are meeting (giggling) to talk about a kill switch, I mean which does seem very much like out of a science fiction movie from when I was a child you know, I am much older than you, hmmm, that, at least people seem to start talking about this stuff, but I don't know that it's going to be..." It's just not... I feel like the people who you know would be going through all of this are not being part of the conversation you know. It's kind of like, it's happening in the background. Literally, what's this? May 28th, "Tech Companies Have Agreed to An AI "Kill Switch" to Prevent Terminator-Style Risks" And then I look up the article and I'm like, oh, yes, it's not just some small little (Instagram) account that Photoshopped all this. It's followed by 2 million people. And then I look up the actual article, that tells you into details what they are talking about and then realize, this is real.

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