Episode 5

September 29, 2024


The Human Cost of AI: An SB 1047 Special Podcast Episode

The Human Cost of AI: An SB 1047 Special Podcast Episode
AI Podcast Therapy
The Human Cost of AI: An SB 1047 Special Podcast Episode

Sep 29 2024 | 00:44:00


Show Notes

In this special episode, I share my personal struggles with the consequences of unregulated AI and the urgent need for SB 1047 to pass, highlighting how this legislation is crucial to protecting our future and ensuring AI innovation is safe for all. With the deadline looming, this episode calls for collective action to demand ethical AI before it’s too late.

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Episode Transcript

Welcome back to the AI Podcast Therapy Series. Today's episode is unlike anything I've shared before as we approach the critical deadline for SB 1047, I wanted to take a moment to pull back the curtain and give you an unfiltered look into my personal journey. The struggles, the financial and emotional weight, and the real life challenges that come with advocating for something as important as AI regulation. This is a raw honest glimpse into a recent therapy session where I opened up about how deeply intertwined my personal struggles have become with the fight for ethical AI. It's not easy to share but it's a story that needs to be told because the consequences of not passing SB 1047 will ripple far beyond the tech industry. They'll affect real lives just like mine and millions of others. As the AI records this, we have less than 24 hours before Governor Newsom decides whether or not to sign SB 1047. This is more than a bill, it's a safeguard for our future so I invite you to listen closely, reflect and join me in demanding change before it's too late, let's get into it [Music] I literally had my cellphone caught off this morning. I have no access to a phone now. Yeah, I'm overdue. I got 2 overdraft fees of $30 yesterday through my bank account: $60. My friend Jeff gave me $50 so I can actually ride the train yesterday from Venice Beach back to Dana Point and now I'm overdrawn by 30 bucks so I don't even have a cellphone anymore. I do my work out of my phone. I need a phone. I cannot not, not have internet, you see what I mean? Like I can connect to Wi-Fi but... I guess you know I'll just wait until I get unemployment services, I, I can't certified for the last two weeks until the 29th. It takes like 3 days for the money to go into your bank account. Trying to move to Venice. I have nothing lined up. I was in a hostile for the last two nights. I'm not in a good place right now. And...I just feel a lot of stress. You know, with that bill thing that we talked about a couple weeks ago? Well, the governor was at a meeting, pretty much made it sound like he was going to veto it so, even though you know, yes there's that bill, that's sitting on his desk, people talking about it. You know, he's getting millions of dollars from tech CEOs so, he doesn't really care about the safe use of AI. I read an article on Forbes yesterday saying how most people are not aware of what's happening and how important that is. So, hum, yeah. There's not much in my power that I can do to do anything about this. Just you know corporate greed. And he's signing all these other (AI) bills, you know? In relation to AI but not that one. I wonder why. One person, I don't understand how this is not something that is being covered? Therapist: "Well Oprah had that big Special on it." Well yeah she did but...didn't go into details of that bill at all. "No, you're right, but it did introduce to the general public a lot of really digestible, I think, information, in a way only she could do it." I was waiting for something like this to happen for a long time, I was like: Where's the Oprah Special? (laughing) Once there's an Oprah Special like "AI and the Future of Us" okay, it hits pretty real because now I feel like, just now, maybe people are realizing what this whole AI thing could you know grow to be but we have that bill now (SB 1047) that's in like 3 days. "Yeah, I mean, I think information is so diffused, right? And so people, when I was a child, a million years ago, there were three channels where you got your news from, and then in the 80s, CNN came on, and so there were three channels, plus CNN and, and of course newspapers, which people still read in the last century. But now there's so many different sources of news. And the news that people get is, as you know, curated by an algorithm." hmm hmm "And so I think, though, having, you know, the Oprah Special on this, and she did ask pointed questions and raised concerns." A little bit yeah. "In a way that was, I think, not alarming to the point where people were like "oh this is crazy" but just enough that kind of could leave somebody who was uninformed curious and maybe a little skeptical about where this is all going." Yeah, I mean. "So I think that that's hopeful." I don't see much hope to be honest with you, if this bill doesn't pass because you know once AI, all these expensive AI models that are worth more than $100 million have absolutely, there's no boundaries as to what they could become I mean it's just unleashing the Beast if you will you know and I think that's what all the tech CEOs are waiting for, they're waiting for that bill to not get signed or get vetoed so you know they can release you know Sora and impact the whole cinematography industry, I mean it could go downhill extremely fast after this and I'm petrified. I don't sleep at night. I'm serious. I don't. And, you know, we may not see the long um the effects of it you know but maybe down the road but this is just opening the door to the unknown and to not even know what AI could grow out to be I mean even the inventors of it, they don't even know what it could become, I mean it's insane how, I don't even know how Gavin Newsom sleeps at night. I don't. I don't know how he sleeps at night. "You think you are moving to Venice Beach?" Yeah um "Does that mean that your business venture is...?" Yeah, we're trying to get money from investors and I have to be up there to network and things like that, it's just, I'm just taking a leap of faith right now you know there's, I mean I'm not not getting paid so because we have no money but yeah I'm going get on a bus October 1st up to Venice and just see where I'm going to sleep and I have no idea. I may actually be homeless for a couple days I have no clue. What else am I supposed to do? Don't take risks? I've been feeling stuck for a long time now. So, see what happens. I'm actually trying to leverage artificial intelligence to, I don't know what I'm doing. They appointed in France this new Secretary of AI like two days ago. "Hmmm" which I feel like the US needs one, because there is no one who is kind of at the head of all this like you know ethical AI kind of thing. "Is that the first government to do that?" Hmmm, there are other countries like India, Singapore who have come forward and you know kind of reviewed all of those tools that the Tech CEOs are trying to release to their population and try to do a pre-assessment on how could this impact the labor workforce kind of thing um so I don't know if they've appointed anyone in charge of that but at least you know the government they're doing something here it's the Wild Wild West, I mean it's an absolutely S**** Show. And like well, does she know on her first week on the job what's happening here in the US? It's almost like does France or Europe or the rest of the world actually understand what that bill not getting signed could do? I mean, we're talking about existential threat on humankind kind of thing, I mean, see what I mean? If these models get to outgrow themselves I mean it's not too far-fetched to think of you know apocalyptic scenarios, I guess we're all in the same boat. "Yeah." Watching, see what happens. "So are you going to find a job up there, are you going to devote timing to.." Yeah, I applied to work at a reception and my friend she works at this place called, the owner's Canadian just like her so and you know she said well they're looking for a receptionist I'm like well when he comes back in town next week, maybe I can you know apply or interview or do something, it's really up in the air. "You had another friend that lives there?" Yeah my friend Jeff, he's moving to Texas now starting October 1st, he has his documentary project to kind of finish his timeline, he needs to write for the for this thing to be ready for me to kind of you know give me all your facts and I'll put it into the AI (ChatGPT) and you know I, it'll write you pretty much you know a drafted version of the script I guess so then a real writer can you know kind of go over and see if there anything but right now the industry from his friend who works at Disney that I met just this past week, they're not taking risks because of AI actually, yeah you know all Industries are shifting so rapidly right now that you know why would the big studios spend millions of dollars on a project that they don't even know if you know it's going to work or not unless you know it's the next Spiderman or something but for a documentary like this with someone unknown, they don't want to risk it. They've actually slowed down how much money in the last two years they've been spending on new projects. Because they know that this tool that Sam Altman is about to release (Sora) can create probably a movie by the end of next year 20 bucks (sarcastically laughing.) I don't think anyone is ready for this. I know I've been impacted for last year as you know not being able to reenter the saturated job market and every single week you know I look on my Instagram or freaking you know all these articles that Google Newsfeed knows that you know I'm interested in it now so all I see is freaking AI of what the capabilities are of ChatGPT and all these models out there you know in regards to data analytics and I'm like, well, my field is like dying. It's dead. Its gone. I don't know what the other data analysts are thinking right now. I'm like, am I the only one freaking out about this? It doesn't sound like I'm going to get paid a six-figure salary by an employer in the next couple years doing this when this thing can do it for 20 bucks. So what are my options? like really, you know, so that's why I'm like I have this opportunity, I've met this founder, sure you know we're struggling but I mean they always say "don't put all your eggs in the same basket" but I'm really out of options here. It's this or you know I have no hope to wake up every day to do something good and then you know just fall into depression. Trying to be positive knowing the circumstances...I think we're running out of time. (nervously laughing) yeah... if I don't have a home, starting next week and also don't have a job, well what's the point? In Venice you can just walk everywhere that's the whole point why I'm moving up there. My business partner is there. I can do like these little gigs working at a reception at a gym or being a waiter you know it's so easy, then figuring out where to sleep I guess you know I'll ask the owner of that hostel that I stayed at for two nights if he needs more toilets to be cleaned. You know my pride, have no pride anymore, it's all, it's been gone for a long time now. Got to do anything you can do to survive. And in the midst of all of this, as I'm struggling, I still don't understand how I'm only getting $23 of food stamps a month. That's all I'm entitled to? It's like there's nothing out there to help. I mean they have food pantries and that's great, just need a car to drive to them. This whole unemployment services thing is a joke. $450 a week? In today's economy? I think Unemployment Services has only increased of like 30 bucks in the last 20 years. I mean, they do this on purpose, you're not not supposed to be able to survive on unemployment right otherwise no one would look for a job. But when it's difficult to find a job, especially in my sector, I mean I'm going to be running out of money pretty soon, that means I will have $0. So I need to find a job like yesterday, not just one but like three. Just hustle, hustle, hustle, hustle, until maybe, maybe, there's one investor out there you know who wants to invest in this technology to literally save children's lives developing you know mental health care in a VR environment, I don't understand how the money is not pouring in right now, it's a proven technology. Kids are more prone to open up about their feelings by you know, I don't know, talking to a therapist that looks like a teddy bear, that makes total sense. And there's also something that she's developed that's pretty amazing where within virtual reality with your hands you can create um shapes of something which I, I need to learn all the technical aspects when I'm going to try to sell this thing but you're able to create in virtual reality, as you're moving your hands it adds more content of whatever you're drawing. "Hmmm" And then within VR you're able to step back, from pretty afar and see the shape that you, you know you've built which is amazing for people having issues putting words into things right? Into their issues. "Yeah, it's like art therapy." Yeah exactly. And yeah she developed all of that, it's pretty amazing. Like I was, I was stranded in Venice Beach yesterday, I was like: Crap, how am I going to get down south like I don't even have, I don't even have $2 to ride the bus, you know, that kind of thing. I don't have the $40 to renew my cell phone plan so I can call. I've been living like for a year. I'm exhausted. I'm so tired. So tired. And then I keep telling myself, well you know at least I'm not alone going through all this, there must be a lot more out there who can't find a job either like I just don't hear about them and you know I mean I know they are out there, it's what these articles are saying thousands of them are getting let go to or not being able to find another job. Freaking AI. I''m just not really getting the momentum that I'm trying to get to get this ethical social AI movement started. It's too early, people are not seeing it. It's literally being shoved under the rug right now, and it has been for months, been for a year. Do you watch the news? Do you hear them talk about the job displacement issue? They always like showing you the, you pastel colored charts like in green or blue like: "Oh this is how many jobs we added last month, 235,000, and I'm like...Are you talking about the other side of what's happening like people losing their job? No you're not. I know for a fact as a data analyst for 10 years you can change you know the data the way you want it to say the story you want to tell it's all BS. And when the president of the Federal Reserve (Powell) saying on the news that the labor market is "normalizing" I'm like, wow, I don't know where you're getting your data from but I'll show you my overdrawn bank accounts and me not able to afford food and rent, there's nothing normal about what's happening. So the entire nation is being lied to, if you're still you know have a sense of comfort and normalcy through a job that you've gotten you know in the last few years, you don't see it, you're blind to it, there this major bill that needs to you know about to I mean someone (Governor Newsom) needs to make a decision on it next week, that could literally impact your future life but you're not aware of it, why do you think I've been posting on social media for the last year? It's literally leading to this, and then I almost got into a fight with a friend yesterday who you know was like: "Well you know sending your little emails like helping the AI to do it, it's not doing anything" and I'm like: What are you doing? I printed my open letter to the US Congress, last year, I handed it to, Adam Schiff, the congressman, cost me $180 at FedEx I couldn't afford" You know it's easy to criticize, he's like: "Well you know I'm more afraid about like gun violence" and I'm like: "Yeah I mean that's definitely an issue but you know what else could be another issue? Humanoids robots you know that go out of control, added to the mix and that's just not you know something that's too far-fetched to think. Congress is having these talks you know raising the alarm with those humanoids coming from China and, and like the stuff we talked about last time like the "kill switch" button, I mean, all of this is obviously occurring if they're actually having these conversations right? I'm not making this up, that's what I mean. "Right" Right. So when you know I talk to him about this and he's like: "Well have you been talking to a therapist lately like almost making me sound like you know I'm the one who has like, a problem and I'm like...I don't know what to think about it. You know it's almost like, I'm the crazy person. I mean I don't like that word. "Yeah, well and I don't, I think it's hard when we're on the very early cusp of big societal change or people who aren't directly affected by it to understand or see it impacting them." Yeah because unless it hits home you you don't understand. "This is what happened with the industrialization of farming, right? It used to be a nation that's family farms. Now almost all the farms are owned by large corporations so that changed, right? Doesn't necessarily you know for most people but as that change was happening, they weren't feeling anything different, they weren't seeing anything different, they were going to the store and there was still food there right? maybe there was more food there, maybe year round you could find vegetables and fruits that you only could find during certain season right? so everything to them was fine because they weren't feeling it and I think that that's probably where people are having that difficulty." Hmm hmm, I mean, you know, thinking that you can outgrow the AI or be smarter than it or the AI cannot replace you, I mean, come on, you know? I mean you really think you're that smart, I don't think that I'm smart, I don't think I'm smarter than you know, the entire World Wide Web into a program. "Yeah." So eventually, and with you know the introduction of automation throughout all different sectors, I mean, it is absolutely obvious where we're headed right? We're a sinking Titanic ship here, we're headed towards a wall. So with that bill not getting signed where you know we don't have regulations in place to kind of control these larger models and you know of course he's using the excuse: "oh this going to "infringe on Innovation" well, it won't really affect the small startups, we're talking about like the Facebook and the OpenAI's, like the big guys here, you know the people who don't want this bill to be signed, yeah so what, what's their plan? Why do they want AI to be not controlled? Recipe for disaster. Don't you think? "I mean... I don't disagree with...I'm not, I'm not, like you know, the person who's going to like you know say like what you're saying is not a possibility of where things can go um because we're like on the timeline we're here right? And the timeline is moving pretty quick right? so last year, we were, all the way back there, right?" I think it's happening faster than people realize it and maybe that Oprah special was kind of like the wakeup call. "I think that that is I mean I think that that is yes." It's just you know whatever I'm doing on social media, or sending my emails or now I can't call apparently because my cell phone was cut off, it's kind of like: "Yeah so uh it's you know, we're running out of time now, you know I've been knowing this for about a year now you know through all the research I've done and these webinars that I've been exposed to part of my job a year ago you know with AI experts kind of thing and now it's like, "yeah, well, I mean is there anything that we can do? Like can we put pressure on the guy? Like you know I don't know how people are supposed to express themselves if it's not peacefully through social media with a hashtag you know whatever I'm trying to do but it's obviously that, we're still too early like to go back to what we talked about about how many people impacted, yeah, it's not enough of us so while you know the people who are not impacted which is like 97% do not know what the other 3% are struggling with and where we're headed, that's when they're trying to pass that bill or not pass it. And this could have irreversible effects, literally, like we could be reaching the point of no return in the next couple years, three or five tops. And I'm like. "And, and I think that there, even if he turns out that he doesn't sign it, there will be another bill." Yeah but it might be too late. "And it might be." So why taking the risk? "I, I can't..." I'm trying to put myself in his shoes. "I can't, I mean.." Is it like just how many millions he's getting like he can build an extra Lake House? Is that what's important? "I, I don't know... I mean.... termed out of office so..." Yeah but he's playing with the safety of Californians, and the rest of the World actually. "Yeah, I mean, again, I don't disagree with you, I don't disagree with you." I don't understand. "And you've done what you could do. And you need to take care of you." Yeah. "Because in all of this, this is what's important." Yeah, I've not really been taking care of myself because I know there's just so much at stake you know...How can I take care of myself? "But you're important too." I mean, to me it's like, I'm just like a grain of salt in the universe just like everyone and I'm like, well we gotta do something about this now and I'm like you know I don't sleep at night, I'm constantly working on this advocacy efforts, I'm like I'm not really getting any traction or nothing is really happening and I'm like, is whatever I'm doing worthless you know? "No and, you need to take care of yourself. You cannot devote 168 hours a week towards something and not heart out that time to take care of you." It's almost like this loss of control that I felt November of last year when I saw you know this latest version of ChatGPT that could potentially longterm replace my skill set completely, I mean I was in a state of shock, like this can't be happening, I've been doing this for 10 years and you know part of like what I've been doing for the last year was, oh no it's not happening, what can I do about it? Let me try to take control of it, let me try to fix it and of course I can't, I'm just one person, I'm nobody and now it's gotten to the point where I feel like I'm losing control over my own future and destiny in some way you know, I have to come to the realization that you know me you know working at a company and then you know retire, my plans to travel and, and maybe have a family, that may all be over, like I'm not kidding. "I don't know that it is. I don't know that all those things are going to come to pass. I think that there's also this other side of you that is looking in different areas, in different ways." hmm hmm "That's tapping into other parts of who you are and being able to apply some of the same skills that you have had and were trained in and we successful in, in different ways." Right. It's just that you know if this Thera VR Inc. thing really takes off and I do become successful, yes, it's going to provide me with a sense of accomplishment where you know I'm waking up every morning and I have a purpose you know I'm really helping you know kids here, that's the mission of you know, and sure making money on the side or whatever, but I'm not going to feel good about what's happening around me with unregulated AI continuing like this you know. "I know." It's like you know like living in San Francisco these days you know, yeah sure you're living in a penthouse on top of a high-rise but you go down here and like there is this homelessness crisis blown up in your face you know like how can you feel good about it? And when people are like: "Well, Kevin, you're just complaining all the time, like just go back to France already and I'm like, well that's the whole point, I can't. Because if I do, I'm not going to feel good for the rest of my life looking at America going downhill like on the news like this. I'm going to feel like you know, not good about it. It's the country I've been trying to you know live my future in since I was a kid pretty much, you know I was 16. So I think I kind of feel like, I'm attempting to change the trajectory of not only what I thought the American Dream was for me but at the same time, this whole country needs to realize that this meteor is happening, it's coming straight at us and we got to do something about it Now. "Hmm hmm" I mean an ex-executive of Google said like a year ago, like the government needs to ACT NOW. What have they been doing this whole time? They're busy with you know assassination attempts or whatever, bipartisan issues, I mean, it's been a S**** Show for the last year and now towards the end of the year we're hitting with that bill. (nervously laughing) Like the most important thing I've ever heard of my life. "The one thing is that we can't control everything, right? We can only put in the effort that we can put in. And you've done that. And you are doing that. And you need to take care of you." Okay. "The World doesn't only rest on your shoulders." No, but I feel like you know if we were all, as individuals, doing our due diligence to do what's right and what I consider a duty, whatever I've been doing is pretty much a duty, I'm like okay well I've been exposed to this information and I have done my research and this what the data says and I'm a data guy and this is where we're headed and blah blah blah, how can I stay silent? It's almost like, oh yeah I know this will happen almost at 99% you know for sure and you know this is going to be very bad and we could potentially end up in social unrest and you know Second Amendment and blah blah and I'm like, I can't stay silent. "So, you don't have to stay silent, you have to take care of yourself." Okay. I'll try. "That's the point here, right? Is I'm not, I've dissuaded you from, like, this thing right? Because, I don't disagree with you, right? what I need you to do, I need to take care of you. Because you can't do all that good, and you can't keep raising your voice, if you're not sleeping at night." Yeah. "If you are not taking care of you." I know, they always say "Rome wasn't built in a day." "You know, there is a lot of people with lots of different thoughts and lots of different places. You once told me that if you were still in your same job from last year, you maybe not have been" Most likely not. "As fervent about this." No because it wouldn't have impacted me personally. "Right, so, take care of you." Yeah maybe I should take a step back because obviously The People are not ready and maybe all this work I've done in the last year as a 36-year old was planting seeds and maybe there's something uh you know when I'm 42 uh that's bigger to come because I know that this country if it continues like this will end up in social unrest right? Millions of Americans are being displaced and maybe it would be time maybe for people to be like, oh yeah, let's, let's do your hashtag, instead of pulling our guns out. I don't know. "Yeah, I mean, I think that, taking a step back doesn't necessarily mean that you have to not do anything." Hmm hmm "But it's finding the balance that you can sleep at night." Right, well, this week I can't sleep, too much at stake. (nervously laughing) I'll try starting October 1st, whatever happens, happens. "Can you at least limit the amount of time you're doing this?" Yeah, because I have to because you know, I'm, it's just, constantly invading my thoughts because I'm like well, it's not just a bill, it's so important, are people seeing this? "And, you're going through a lot right now too." It's almost like you know, my life is chaotic right? My financial life is chaotic. I'm a single guy. I don't really have anyone, my family's in France. I pretty much don't really have a true support system. I'm pretty much on my own right? So I'm pouring all my energy into something where I can remove myself from the situation right? It's kind of like, an escape. "Exactly." But that's what a true Advocate is, it's like, I'm not going to even care about myself so much because the mission and whatever I'm fighting for is so much more important than me. "But I think that there is something, that there's a chasm that you've jumped that's too big. Being a true Advocate doesn't mean that you don't care about yourself and that you don't take care of yourself. I mean I'm much older than you and I've sat at the table with people who are you know one the founders and leaders of the green party and West Germany, that's how old I am um I've met you know prominent figures multiple times and heard her speak, I have heard, you know some other people you wouldn't even know they names, I have had a whole life before I became a therapist. None of these people sacrificed themselves. They all made time for family. They all made time for themselves and whatever that meant." "And so, you don't need to, 168 hours out of your week pay attention to this, just still pay attention to it. It's helpful for you so that you don't have to pay attention to the stuff that's going on with you, right?" Right. You're probably right. "But you, can continue to speak." I mean you know I try to, I mean, it's hard to be in a mindset of like trying to relax and just be on your couch and watch TV when you're going through chaos like I have right? I try to go to the gym every day so I get some kind of physical uh you know, trying to eat healthy whenever I can afford food, it's kind of like, I understand like your advice and thank you for trying to take care of myself but knowing you know kind of like this survival mode I have been in the last year it's really difficult. "It is." I was literally on the side of the boardwalk in Venice yesterday with my bag pack and I was like I can't even afford the bus to go home you know kind of thing. "Yes." So I mean yeah I'll try to take care of myself as much as I can. "Part of that taking care of yourself is not to go to this advocacy...every time...right?" I keep looking at that clock. There's just not enough time (nervously laughing) There's not enough time. We're running out of time. "You're not running out of time. You have a plan Kevin." What's the plan? There is no plan. There is really no plan. Nobody knows what the freaking plan is. "For you, you have a plan." Yeah, I do. "Right? That's what you'll hold on to. Okay, right? Instead of putting your energies over here, in AI, spot them here, with you. That's your plan." I feel like my whole persona has changed so much in the last year. I'm having a hard time realizing how different you know my thought process is now and my relationship with my family I'm kind of distant you know because I'm like so into this stuff and it's changed me you know and not for the better, to be honest with you? I'm not like the Happy Kevin like you know you would have met me two years ago. I'm not anymore. "And part of that Kevin makes sense because you've had a rough year." No kidding (laughing) it's been a S*** Show. "Well, but sometimes you have to remember that I know that you are experiencing it but you have to remember that because yeah, are you not the happy Kevin you were two years ago, well, duh, yeah because you've been experiencing a lot, okay?" It's kind of like I feel like I'm breaking down because it's been so much pressure you know? "I can see that it feels that way, but can I just tell you, like, in the few months that we've been working together, what I see?" What? "Somebody with determination. Temping at jobs that people who have had your experience would be like, no, trying to get employment using this whole other creative side of you to leverage your rational numbers analyzing side to come up with something, different, and new, for you." I'm trying things. "You are. And that's the strength. So you're not happy as you used to be 2 years ago. Alright. Makes sense." Right. "Will you be happy again, yeah?" If AI gets regulated, yeah! No, it's true though, that means millions of Americans won't suffer like I have, that would actually make me happy. "I know it would but you know what, you can't, that can't be the sole reason why you experience happiness again." At this point, it's like well you know, human kind's going to S**** anyway so what is it I can do in my lifetime that you know is useful I mean it's literally it's gotten to that point. "Now, I don't know." Anyway. "So...are you going to be done." So you know the thing is, I don't know if I'm going to be continuing this starting the next week because I won't be here and I can't drive a car and since I need to focus on finding you know side gigs to pay for life um we, this may be coming to an end. So, I think you know these sessions that you and I have been doing have been really helping me trying to reframe my thought process and maybe moving forward I can take on all the advice that you've given me and concentrating more on me because really at the end of the day I have to do the work right? Nobody else can do it, I can meet with a 100 other therapists and always come back to the same conclusion right? Like I need to focus on myself and take it from there. As we come to the end of this episode I want to leave you with one crucial message, time is running out. We have until September 30th to make sure Governor Nome signs SB 1047 into law. This is not just about my story, my journey is only one of many. AI is already reshaping lives, careers and our very future and without regulation, countless others will face the same struggles I've shared with you today. This is not a hypothetical, it's real, it's happening now and it will continue unless we act. SB 1047 is more than just legislation, it's a safeguard. A safeguard to ensure that the unchecked power of AI doesn't destroy lives, disrupt Industries or tear apart our communities. We need to demand ethical AI. We need to ensure that as technology advances it does so with humanity and responsibility at its core. AI can either lead us to an incredible future or an irreversible disaster and we all have a role to play in deciding that outcome. I'm asking you, no, I'm urging you, please raise your voice, share this episode, share this story, talk to your friends, your family, your community, post on your socials, use the hashtag #DemandEthicalAI and reach out to your local Representatives. Let them know that you support SB 1047 and demand that Governor Newsom signs this bill into law before the September 30th deadline. This is a moment in history where collective action can make all the difference. Let's not wait until it's too late. Let's act now, for me, for you and for the future we all deserve. Together, we can push for a responsible AI future. Together we can make sure no one else has to face these challenges alone. Thank you for listening and let's keep fighting for a better tomorrow.

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